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Kids Chime in on Their Favorite Meals!

Updated: Jun 30, 2021

Cooking takes hard work and creativity, just like writing! Plus a recap of a good meal is perfect for a journal entry or small writing assignment. Kensington Eats supports the connection between food and education - so any kid who comments on this blog will get a special treat included in their next meal!

The topic is: What has been your favorite Kensington Eats meal and why?

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Audrey Shiu
Audrey Shiu
Feb 23, 2021

My favorite meal was Noodles Fresh! : )

What about everyone else?

Audrey Shiu
Audrey Shiu
May 25, 2021
Replying to

❤️😁 Thank you for replying! We are thinking about passing out a survey (Digitally) and seeing everyone's reviews and thoughts! We might not do it though, so don't expect it or not expect it (Is that how you say it?🤔) ! Please give your thoughts of all the other restaurant's contents or you could talk about it here, so I don't have to scroll through everything! Oh, and this week's restaurant might be replacing Noodles Fresh in my favorite restaurants, no spoilers! (Even though by the time you have read this you will have known for like 1 week what it is, but... ENJOY THE PRESENT.) 😁❤️

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